Our new home is located at 136 Trafalgar Road, Oakville, ON!
After 13 years in our original location, we have collectively made the decision to move into a larger space. We will miss the old shop but are so excited to welcome our clients, friends and family into our new and improved space.
We will continue to operate as appointment only — we ask that you leave your friends and family at home.
We do not have client parking on site.
You can find PAID PARKING located at the Church Street Parkade (300 Church Street) from Monday-Friday for $1.50 an hour or $12 for eight hours and Saturday-Sunday for $1.50 an hour or $4.00 for eight hours. There is also free parking along Randall Street and Lakeshore Road.
When showing up for your appointment, please make sure to use the front entrance — the back entrance is for employees only!
Thank you and we cannot wait to show you our new home!